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Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? (2022)

A frightening beast is rising on the world scene today. It cannot be compared to any beast we have ever seen before. This terrifying world superpower will afflict all mankind—except for those who obey God.

Are you paying attention? Germany is taking over the Mediterranean Sea! The whole world should be trembling with fear. Understand the sinister reason why Germany is so focused on the Mediterranean.

Its advances in the Mediterranean echo its World War II vision for Africa—and it is leading us into World War III!

A horrifying empire is rising with the same evil spirit behind it.

The president wants to be known as a peacemaker. But there is only one way to achieve real peace.

The biblical psalms of King David provide wise counsel on how to live a godly life. Understand the psalms of David—and how to convert these inspiring words into life-changing action.

Psalm 22 might be the greatest psalm ever written by King David. God gave David unique insight into the crucifixion of Jesus Christ about a thousand years before it actually happened. Understand the astonishing depth of God’s love as revealed in Psalm 22.

Germany has risen from the ashes of World War II to dominate Europe. But to resurrect the Holy Roman Empire and become a real global superpower, Germany needs a strong leader—a new Charlemagne. Prove that Germany is now seeking a new Charlemagne that will provoke world war.

The vice president’s speech at the Munich Security Conference shows how much Germany has already turned against America. Bible prophecy shows this trend will intensify.

The curses hitting California give warning of far worse to come nationwide—unless we learn our lesson.

Lamentations is the most corrective book in the Bible. But this sobering message is also filled with hope. Discover the dazzling hope of Lamentations.

We need to see the pope’s criticisms of Donald Trump, as well as America’s immigration and economic policy, in context.

We have just witnessed a miraculous political comeback. It portends a national resurgence! But we must make sure we take the right lessons from it.

The Lost Century of God’s one true Church occurred from 70-170 A.D. The Apostle John is the only one to record this crucial history.

Under Trump, will the nation gain it back?

Israel was on the verge of permanently obliterating Hamas—until the United States intervened to save the terrorists from destruction. Understand how President Donald Trump betrayed Israel and caused the Jews to lose the war.

The beginning of our civilization holds the key to solving our deadly problems today. Yet it is a mystery to the world.

The hostage deal he pushed on Benjamin Netanyahu was a grave mistake.

California has just suffered its worst fire ever. Why? Some are blaming climate change—but your Bible pinpoints a very different culprit. Understand the unseen spiritual cause of the many California ‘natural’ disasters.

The life and work of Herbert W. Armstrong provide a vivid testament of his deep faith in God.

If you have ever been associated with the Worldwide Church of God or one of its offshoots, I ask you to prayerfully read this letter.

The end-time Elijah died in 1986. But God did not.

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