Key of David

As world problems intensify, the one character trait you need most of all is living faith. You can understand what faith really is, where it comes from, the way to receive it, and how it will transform your life.

An evil spirit force on Earth today is crushing the nations. Find out how to protect yourself from this wicked being—and how to overcome him.

Your Bible promises that a double-wonder miracle will occur in this end time, changing many lives for the better. Understand exactly what this double wonder is and how it has already happened.

The night Judas betrayed Jesus, your Savior knocked over an entire band of Pharisees using only His voice. With unmatched power, He declared: “I AM!” The everlasting God called I AM became Jesus Christ and unlocked your incredible human potential.

He was a humanitarian, educator and leader. Heads of state around the world called him an unofficial ambassador for world peace. His name was Herbert W. Armstrong. His legacy and special history with the tiny nation of Israel continue today.

During His time on Earth, Jesus Christ established the one true Church. But just over 100 years later, the Church had vanished. What happened to God’s Church during the ‘lost century’?

God is the Revealer of secrets. The mystery of His truth is understood by only a tiny few. Why is God’s inspiring mystery always under attack by an evil archenemy?

By yourself, you cannot discern Jesus Christ from Satan the devil. This statement is shocking but true! Discover God’s way of showing us the difference between these two.

Your Bible makes many bold claims and dares you to prove any of it false. Learn why you can stake your life on every word of the Holy Bible.

The great patriarch Abraham paid tithes to the king of Jerusalem, Melchizedek. Prove the stunning identity of Melchizedek—and how this staggering truth has everything to do with your life.