Key of David

God speaks through His watchman today so you can know when Jesus Christ is about to return. You must stay spiritually alert so the Second Coming doesn’t catch you by surprise.

In the book of Deuteronomy, God pleads with people to choose life. What does it mean to choose life, and how can you choose it?

The two witnesses may be the most mysterious characters in the entire Bible. They have a vital role on the world scene in the near future.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has attacked Ukraine without reason—or so it seems. Actually, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine connects to America’s actions in Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

Chaotic world events in this end time were foretold thousands of years ago by the Prophet Daniel. Get God’s perspective on all this—and learn what else will happen before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The book of Revelation is horribly misunderstood by most people today, but you can learn the one and only key to unlocking this book.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a spy by trade. United States President Donald Trump says he will get along well with this man. But can Putin be trusted?

The Bible foretells of an end-time prince of Russia—and a messenger who prophesies against this powerful prince. These two men will impact your life directly. You need to know who they are.