Key of David

This world is in the death grip of the devil. Discover why God allows Satan to rule the Earth—for now.

What connection does the ‘beast’ of the book of Revelation have to world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

The Bible is called the book nobody knows, but you can unlock the seven fundamental mysteries of the world’s most important book.

Your Bible reveals where God is working in this end time. But you must understand a major key that unlocks Bible prophecy: the principle of prophetic duality.

Jesus Christ is alive and hard at work today! Do you know where He is and what He is doing? Find out how Christ’s important job in this end time has everything to do with your glorious future!

The excavations of an ancient Israelite altar and curse tablet on the same mountain powerfully confirm the accuracy of the Bible. These discoveries teach a crucial moral lesson. In life, you have two choices. Learn which choice to make

It is possible for human beings to become like the Almighty God—our righteous, perfect Creator! But how? This subject is rarely understood. Here is the truth about an incredible source of spiritual power available to a select few in this end time.

Modern society is plagued by appalling violence. Tragedies like school shootings shock and divide the people. There is only one solution. God’s plan is to save the world using a Church—a Church that is not just a church.

Mankind’s definition of freedom is very different from God’s. From God’s perspective, the whole world is enslaved! Learn how the world has been taken captive—and how you can achieve true freedom!

Did you know that the true gospel message taught by Jesus Christ Himself was buried and suppressed for almost 1,900 years? Discover the inspiring truth about your incredible potential, and why this truth was maliciously hidden and replaced with a false gospel during the “lost century.”