Key of David

Who controls the weather—mankind or God? There is a beautiful purpose behind devastating natural disasters that fortells what will come next.

In World War II, the Allies ended the deadly threat of the Nazi war machine—but only temporarily. German dreams of dominance didn’t die with Hitler.

The way to world peace is a secret to all mankind. But that secret has been revealed. Discover God’s secret.

There is so much confusion today about what it means to be born again. Do you know what it means to be born again? The true answer is not only surprising— it is startling!—the most important truth you can know

Mankind is careening toward the worst time of suffering in world history. God uses one human voice to warn and give hope during this dangerous time before the coming Day of the Lord.

Almost no one knows God’s secret. Do you?

This world is in the death grip of the devil. Discover why God allows Satan to rule the Earth—for now.

The key of David vision is the greatest vision in the entire Bible. This universe-shaking vision unlocks the future of all mankind!