Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap continues to discuss Marlow’s dinner conversation with Jim. As the two seamen move from the restaurant to an outside veranda, Jim opens up and reveals his actions and inaction during the Patna emergency.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap finish Chapter 6 and begin Chapter 7 of Joseph Conrad’s complex novel Lord Jim. After a near street brawl, Marlow convinces Jim to meet him for dinner. As promised, the revelation of what happened on the Patna is about to begin.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap delve into chapter 6 of Joseph Conrad’s complex novel Lord Jim. The two discuss Marlow’s stories of Captain Brierly and his chief mate, Jones. Brierly assumes himself to be a perfect skipper, though Jones would disagree. Brierly’s story should lead us to examine our own weaknesses.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap continue discussing Chapter 4 of Joseph Conrad’s complex novel Lord Jim. The two discuss Jim’s awareness of Marlow’s attendance at his inquiry and reveal Jim’s first impressions of Marlow. Moving into Chapter 5, the literature team shows how Marlow assumes control of Jim’s story.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap continue discussing the first four chapters of Joseph Conrad’s complex novel Lord Jim. In Chapter 3, Conrad gives us deeper insights into Jim’s romantic and adventurous imagination and his self-assured security of living a successful life. In Chapter 4 we suddenly find ourselves in a courtroom where Jim is on the witness stand answering questions about the wrecking of the Patna.

Host Dennis Leap begins discussing the first four chapters of Joseph Conrad’s complex novel Lord Jim. The key to understanding these chapters is that they cover three different points in time leading us to Marlow.

Host Dennis Leap provides an overview look at Joseph Conrad’s uniquely structured novel Lord Jim, including historical background, themes and cast of characters.

Host Dennis Leap uses Marlow’s discussion with Kurtz’s intended to conclude his summary comments on how to understand this classic novella.

Host Dennis Leap uses Marlow’s thoughts on Kurtz after his burial to begin summary comments on how to understand this classic novella.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Marlow’s fascination with Kurtz’s desire to reenter the darkness of his own human nature as he crawls back to the native Africans who desire to worship him. Marlow also recounts Kurtz’s struggle to reconcile his life as he lays dying.