Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap discusses the overlooked conflict Marlow holds for his hero Kurtz. Marlow insists that Kurtz is not his idol, but he also states that Kurtz is a remarkable man. In this matter, Joseph Conrad reveals his own conflict with human nature.

Host Dennis Leap and guests Deborah Leap and Gabe Greaser discuss Marlow’s first meeting with Kurtz.

Host Dennis Leap and guests Deborah Leap and Gabe Greaser discuss Marlow’s surprising defense of Kurtz to his companions on the Nellie and Marlow’s story about meeting Kurtz.

Host Dennis Leap and special guests Deborah Leap and Hannah Worrell continue their discussion of Joseph Conrad’s use of women in his classic novella Heart of Darkness. In this episode, the panel focuses on the woman in Kurtz’s painting, the Mistress and the Intended.

Host Dennis Leap and special guests Deborah Leap and Hannah Worrell discuss Joseph Conrad’s use of women in his classic novella Heart of Darkness.

Host Dennis Leap, along with special guests Parker Campbell and Gabe Greaser, discusses Marlow’s education about Kurtz as he travels from station to station, entering the heart of darkness.

Host Dennis Leap, along with special guests Parker Campbell and Gabe Greaser, discusses Marlow’s education about Kurtz as he travels from station to station as he enters the heart of darkness.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Marlow’s colorful descriptions of his first contact with Africa and the company’s outpost, supposedly established to bring civilization to the uncivilized natives.

Host Dennis Leap finishes his discussion of the warning signs Marlow ignored prior to going to work for Belgian Congo Company. Dennis brings to light Conrad’s use of Psalm 74:20 which states “For the dark places of the earth are habitations of cruelty.”

Host Dennis Leap begins discussing the evidence of the main flaw in Marlow’s character as revealed in Book 1 of Jospeh Conrad’s novella The Heart of Darkness.