Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap begins the discussion of Joseph Conrad’s novella Youth by talking about the story’s structure and characters and a suggestion about why Conrad chose to write the story.

Host Dennis Leap begins the promised series on Joseph Conrad’s Youth, Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim with a short introduction to Conrad’s difficult childhood under Russia’s domination of the Poles.

Host Dennis Leap, along with special guest Deborah Leap, discusses “The Principle of Newspeak” found in Orwell’s classic 1984. George Orwell believed that totalitarian governments strive to control human thought through the destruction of language.

Host Dennis Leap and special guests Grant Turgeon, Emma Moore and Deborah Leap continue their discussion of Book 3 of George Orwell’s classic 1984. Under severe torture, Winston works to maintain his own thinking but eventually suffers Stockholm syndrome and succumbs to O’Brien and Big Brother.

Host Dennis Leap—along with special guests Grant Turgeon, Emma Moore and Deborah Leap—discusses Book 3 of George Orwell’s classic 1984. Winston discovers the dark truth about the goals of the party while being tortured by O’Brien.

In this extended length program, host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap hold a conversation with Michael Sheldon, author of Orwell: The Authorized Biography. Michael shares his insights on why George Orwell wrote his famous novel 1984.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Eric Blair’s adolescent years, his dysfunctional family life, his idyllic boyhood home in the picturesque setting of Henley-on-Thames, his difficulty making friends, and his tough years at St. Cyprian’s boarding school.

Host Dennis Leap opens the JBL summer book discussion series, “Blast From the Past,” with a biographical sketch on the man who became George Orwell, author of the prescient novel 1984.

Host Dennis Leap gives his final thoughts on the life and writings of Charles Krauthammer.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Grant Turgeon continue their discussion of Charles Krauthammer’s bitter lament over the mishandling of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. In this podcast, they discuss his recommended solutions.