Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss Charles Krauthammer’s essay “Save the Border Collie,” which deals with the genetic manipulation of the dog breed, changing the dog from “smart to pretty.” The literature duo also begin discussing Krauthammer’s essay “The Inner Man? Who Cares.”

Host Dennis Leap discusses Charles Krauthammer’s humorous essay “Of Dogs and Men.”

Host Dennis Leap and guest Jude Flurry continue discussing Krauthammer’s essay structure using his essay “The Real Message of Creationism.”

Host Dennis Leap with guest Jude Flurry discuss the structure of Charles Krauthammer’s essays using his essay “Winston Churchill: The Indispensable Man.”

Host Dennis Leap and guest Deborah Leap discuss Krauthammer’s life-changing accident and his essay “The Central Axiom of Partisan Politics.”

Host Dennis Leap with guest Deborah Leap discuss Charles Krauthammer’s education and accomplishments.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Lawrence’s legend as a Middle East diplomat and his death.

Host Dennis Leap discusses how T. E. Lawrence became a cult sensation.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Lawrence’s decision not to attack the Mudawara water station and his success against the Turkish locomotives.