Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature

Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Lawrence’s move to attack the Mudawara water station as his first step to win Syria for the Arabs.

Host Dennis Leap along with special guest Brent Nagtegaal discuss the truth about the Balfour Declaration and its prophetic importance for the resolution of the problems of today’s Middle East.

Host Dennis Leap along with special guest Brent Nagtegaal discuss the truth about the Balfour Declaration and its historical importance for the establishment of today’s Middle East.

Host Dennis Leap continues the discussion on the origin of the fomenting political unrest in the Middle East—the duplicity of human nature in everyone involved during World War I.

Host Dennis Leap discusses the origin of the fomenting political unrest in today’s Middle East—the duplicity of human nature in everyone involved during World War I.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Lawrence’s move from intelligence officer to warrior.

Host Dennis Leap discusses how the disaster at Kut-al-Almara propelled Lawrence into combat

Host Dennis Leap discusses Lawrence’s expanding influence with military policy through his intelligence gathering.

Host Dennis Leap discusses Lawrence’s view of the Sykes-Picot agreement, his private plan for an Arab future.

Host Dennis Leap and guest James Brandon discuss the disastrous Sykes-Picot Agreement concerning the establishment of an Arab nation.