Feature • February 1, 2014

You read the Trumpet, but have you watched it lately?

Article • March 23, 2011

The European Union votes to destroy Britain’s greatest industry.

Article • April 25, 2019

Salami’s appointment highlights Iran’s maniacal dedication to Israel’s destruction.

Feature • August 17, 2023

God is pleading with you to heed the warning in this book.

Article • April 16, 2012

As the EU continues to fracture along certain monetary, political and cultural fault lines, the search for a new identity gains strength. Pope Benedict and certain German elites are playing a big part in this.

Article • October 18, 2018

‘Shockwaves throughout the U.S. military and the American defense industry’

Article • December 21, 2020

The dragon creeps ever closer to Australia.

Article • March 26, 2017

Will technological advancements once again change the course of the world?

Article • January 1, 2018

Is Europe ready for the far right?

Article • October 31, 2022

Why is the German chancellor so keen to sign over the country’s largest port to China?

Article • June 22, 2021

The government considers white supremacy a greater threat than radical Islam.

Feature • May 1, 1999

A shifting alliance: Searching for a new identity since the end of the Cold War, NATO hopes to have found one.

Article • April 21, 2022

brics is pushing to undermine America’s financial hegemony.

Feature • September 1, 2003

Peacekeepers are being invited into nations once colonized by the West. Can they solve problems the colonialists couldn’t?

Feature • December 1, 2010

Seeing is believing.

Article • April 4, 2019

To preserve Christian Europe, Orbán believes that one has to convert the Middle East.

Feature • March 27, 2019

Will the truth survive our ‘rational’ scientific age?

Article • January 16, 2020

Israel adds another layer to its aerial defense shield.

Feature • December 1, 2013

It would be the greatest archaeological discovery of all time. And Bible prophecy indicates it is about to happen.

Article • February 27, 2018

Germany’s Bundeswehr has been charged with establishing and commanding a new nato military headquarters.

Feature • February 1, 2015

The astonishing prophecy that explains the origins of the British Empire and defines world history

Article • June 21, 2016

Germany’s reluctance to take on more leadership has ended.

Article • April 27, 2021

It’s nothing new for an authoritarian nation to weaponize its citizens against each other. But technology could make the strategy chillingly effective.

From the book: The New Throne of David

Article • July 22, 2015

The White House is launching an unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans. How will the data be used?