Feature • February 1, 2006

Key of David Program • June 29, 2018

Jesus Christ will soon return to sit on the throne of the Earth. Where is that throne right now? Its identity has recently changed, and this truth will change the universe.

Trumpet Daily Program • October 19, 2011

We named our television program The Key of David. We did so because this key unlocks the greatest vision in the Bible. Understanding this vision will motivate you to overcome your trials and tests—and rejoice as you do so!

Article • April 19, 2018

China’s expanding military power in the Pacific could soon approach Australia.


A dramatic change in how God is handling this throne shows how soon Jesus Christ Himself will be sitting on it!

The Key of David Radio Episode • November 22, 2019

God’s loyal people are destined to deliver a powerful warning message to the Jews. God recently revealed the exact way this will happen.

Philadelphia Trumpet

In a world wracked by bad news, here is some excellent news for every nation and person on Earth.

Philadelphia Trumpet

The end of Merkel could be a turning point not just for Germany, but the whole world.

Feature • March 1, 1999

Article • January 31, 2010

Feature • July 1, 2001

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • August 14, 2017

During a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend, a man intentionally drove his car into a crowd of opposing protesters. The reaction from the major media was predictable: Blame U.S. President Donald Trump for the violence. Under Barack Obama, U.S. cities experienced similar violence while President Obama remained silent. The media’s amnesia is a symptom of the hypocrisy dividing America and bringing it down. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the media’s reaction to this weekend’s tragedy as well as other major events happening around the world.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • April 24, 2017

The United States was the leading food producer of the world for decades. Just 30 years ago, American soybean exports made up 70 percent of the world’s supply. That number has fallen to 40 percent, putting the U.S. behind Brazil. It’s the same with wheat and corn, where Russia has been increasing its output substantially while America’s continues to dwindle. Bible prophecy explains why America is losing its status as the world’s greatest food producer. To find out why, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • September 15, 2016

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has gained a huge amount of support this election season by promising to undo the policies of the Obama administration. But as we draw closer to the general election, Mr. Trump has embraced views typically espoused by Democrats. As columnist Charles Krauthammer recently put it, Trump is trying to “out-Democrat the Democrats.” On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry discusses this development and more.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • January 30, 2017

United States President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily banning immigration from terrorist-sponsoring nations has sent shockwaves through the liberal media. Major media outlets are blasting Mr. Trump’s move as unconstitutional and un-American. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry sifts through the media noise on this topic and explains the danger that many analysts aren’t drawing attention to.

Article • March 4, 2018

Europe’s military power, state-sanctioned land grab in South Africa, ‘doomsday’ preparations, and more