Sweden Prepares Its Citizens for War
“If Sweden is attacked, resistance is required.” So reads one of the stark subheads in the Swedish government’s new leaflets, which were sent to all the nation’s households.
This is the first time such a pamphlet has been sent in 70 years. “All of society needs to be prepared for conflict, not just the military,” said project leader Christina Andersson when the leaflet project was announced in January. “We haven’t been using words such as total defense or high alert for 25 to 30 years or more.”
The “If Crisis or War Comes” leaflet warns citizens about threats from global warming to terrorism to fake news. But a much bigger section warns citizens about their role in “total defense.” In the event of war, “everyone is obliged to contribute and everyone is needed,” it states.
“For many years, the preparations made in Sweden for the threat of war and war have been very limited,” it states. However, “as the world around us has changed, the government has decided to strengthen Sweden’s total defense. That is why planning for Sweden’s civil defense has been resumed. It will take time to develop all parts of it again.”
“If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up,” the leaflet declares. “All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.”
The leaflet also contains information about emergency alarms, air raid sirens and locations where citizens can take shelter from bombs. It also contains a checklist of goods that households should keep at home in preparation for a disaster.
All this is a sober indication of the danger Sweden’s government sees in the current global condition.
The nation issued similar leaflets in 1943 during World War ii. It continued to send out updated editions until 1961. Then from 1961 to 1991, it distributed the booklets to government offices. Now they are again being sent to everyone.
This isn’t the only sign of increased preparations for war. The country is increasing its defense spending and discussing joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. And last year it brought back conscription.
Although not mentioned directly in the leaflet, fear of Russia is one of the main motivators for the heightened sense of urgency. Russia has been trespassing in Swedish airspace and its territorial waters with planes and submarines. Russia has also launched cyberattacks against Ukraine and even EU members such as Estonia. The head of the Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service, Maj. Gen. Gunnar Karlson, said that Russia is the biggest source of cyberattacks against his nation. The pamphlet warns about these types of attacks, noting, “Even today, attacks are taking place against our IT systems and attempts are being made to influence us using false information.”
When we covered this topic in January, we wrote:
Many European countries are alarmed by Russia’s resurgence. The Trumpet has been watching this growing trend for over a decade.
In his 2004 article “Russia Frightens Europe and Fulfills Bible Prophecy,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry discussed the biblical significance of Russia’s rise and its effects on Europe. At the time, Mr. Flurry focused on the Russian elections and the consolidation of Vladimir Putin’s grip on power.
After years of Russian economic and military growth, that warning is now more urgent than ever.
The consequences of Russia’s rise to power are extremely dire, not only for Europe but for the entire world. God foretold a coming clash of civilizations to occur in the time of the end. Daniel 11:40-43 warn of an end-time “king of the north,” a united Europe led by Germany. (For further information and proof on this subject, request our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.)
Verse 44 states: “But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him [the king of the north] ….” This passage declares that in the end time, the very time we find ourselves in now, news from the northeast will cause Europe great alarm and anxiety. A map clearly shows that Russia lies northeast of Europe.
But notice what is prophesied to happen next: “[T]herefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly make away many” (verse 44).
There is a great war coming. Every time Europe anxiously prepares to defend itself against Russia is a step closer to this prophesied clash of powers.
It is essential that we watch events in Europe with this prophecy in mind. Continue to watch for further anxiety in Europe to push its nations to rise to meet the threat of Russia.
To learn more about this subject, request our free booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia,’ by Gerald Flurry.