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Germany Declares Independence From America

Also, Germany is once again the world-champion exporter.

Germany’s foreign minister declared independence from the United States this week. Europe, he said, should form a “counterweight” to the U.S., opposing America whenever it “crosses red lines.”

Writing in Germany’s Handlesblatt newspaper, he warned that Germany couldn’t be this counterweight alone. “The main goal of our foreign policy is therefore to build a sovereign, strong Europe,” he wrote. He called for European independence in practical ways; he wants to make Europe’s financial system much less dependent on the U.S.

The article made waves in Germany and around the world. Handlesblatt called it “a break with 70 years of German foreign policy.”

This article comes as Germany is taking actions opposing the U.S. America is placing sanctions on Turkey, while Germany is trying to help Turkey survive them. America is putting sanctions on Iran; Europe is trying to help Iran find ways to keep trading with the world. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Russian President Vladimir Putin last weekend, they discussed rebuilding Syria—without the U.S.

We’re witnessing a fundamental shift in Germany’s political alignment.

This is something we’ve written about in our last two Trumpet issues. In the August issue, I wrote “Europe and America: They’ve Lost That Loving Feeling.” The cover of the September issue features Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s article “Germany and Russia’s Secret War Against America.”

This trend is important to watch. The Bible makes specific prophecies about Germany and Europe turning against America. It warns America that its lovers—nations it trusts as close allies—will turn against it. This is happening already, as Mr. Flurry explained in his article.

Meanwhile, Germany’s economy continues to surge. The nation is on track to record the world’s largest trade surplus for the third year running, according to statistics released this week. It sold nearly $300 billion more in exports than it imported.

Germany’s strong manufacturing sector is behind this surge. Germany and China are emerging as the world’s two manufacturing powerhouses. The strategy has risks: It means Germany is highly dependent on being able to sell to other nations. But it is also a huge strength: It enables Germany to have a massive and productive economy that is helping it rise in power.

This is just a small sign of the rise of Germany as it emerges more and more as one of the world’s leading nations—at the same time that it is splitting from the U.S. To learn more about this and where it is leading, read our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

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