Chinese Spy Infiltrated Top U.S. Offices

Linda Sun, an aide to multiple New York governors, was charged by federal prosecutors on Tuesday of working as a secret Chinese agent. This confirms suspicions that the Chinese Communist Party (ccp) is working to infiltrate the United States government.

Details: Sun was arrested for acting as a Chinese spy. She worked as deputy chief diversity officer for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (2018–2020) and deputy chief of staff for current Gov. Kathy Hochul (2021–2022).

Her pro-China actions include

  • Blocking Taiwanese officials’ ability to contact U.S. officials
  • Building strong ties between Chinese representatives and New York politicians
  • Ensuring speeches and press releases used ccp-approved language
  • Secretly granting a ccp official access to a high-level state government conference call
  • Reducing public criticism of China’s treatment of its Uyghur minority

Sun also participated in the ccp-organized protest against a Taiwanese president’s visit to New York City.

Partner in crime: Sun’s husband, Chris Hu, was also arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit bank fraud, money laundering conspiracy, and misuse of means of identification.

Essentially, Sun influenced policy, while Hu handled the bribes.

The Trumpet said: The Bible prophesies of America’s decline and the correlating rise of China we see today. Because of this, the Trumpet has closely followed China’s attempts to infiltrate and weaken the United States.

Learn more: Read “Wake Up to the Threat From China.”