Survey: Millions of Americans Support Violence Against Trump

Donald Trump has survived two assassination attempts in two months, yet the corporate media is still blaming him for dangerous rhetoric and calling him a “threat to democracy.” Yet Dr. Robert Pape, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, finds that there is more support for violence against Trump than there is support for violence on behalf of Trump.

In a survey published on July 13, Dr. Pape found that 10 percent of respondents agreed with the statement: “The use of force is justified to prevent Trump from becoming president.” Only 6.9 percent of respondents agreed that “The use of force is justified to restore Trump to the presidency.”

Political violence: Dr. Pape’s survey was titled “Political Violence and the Election: Assessing the Threat From the Left and the Right.” It questioned only 2,061 people, but if these people are truly representative of the American electorate, then some 26 million Americans think “The use of force is justified to prevent Trump from becoming president.”

The survey further estimates that 9 million of these anti-Trump partisans own guns, and 5 million have attended a protest in the past 12 months. So it’s no wonder that two would-be assassins have tried to kill Trump.

Historical parallels: Historian Robert Allison estimates that only 15 percent of the United States population fought in the Revolutionary War. And research expert Aaron O’Neill estimates that 10 percent of the U.S. population fought in the Civil War.

The fact that nearly 17 percent of U.S. adults think violence on behalf of either Trump or Harris is justified shows that the nation is hurtling toward another civil war. Shots have already been fired. Yet rather than tone down the rhetoric, Democrats have doubled down on the narrative that Trump is a dangerous dictator.

Prophesied destruction: Ezekiel 5:12 prophesies that one third of the population of end-time Israel (primarily America and Britain) will die from pestilence, famine and violence that will result from civil war and unrest. That means more than 100 million people will die from rioting and warfare in the U.S.—10 times more than in the Russian Civil War that created the Soviet Union!

Today, socialism is gathering strength. But people don’t understand that the purpose of “democratic socialism” is the same as that of dictatorial socialism: to overthrow constitutional government, by violence if necessary.

Bible prophecy shows that America’s great blessings will be taken away—not just because socialists outmaneuvered conservatives but because Americans as a whole have turned away from God and His law.

Learn more: Request our free book Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet for more explanation of this prophecy.