The Spirit Behind Google’s Corruption

The exterior of Google’s new headquarters in New York City
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

The Spirit Behind Google’s Corruption

The company that seemingly forgot its motto.

Is Google dangerous? Since its founding, the company has become successful due to its popularity among consumers: Google accounts for over 91 percent of Internet searches. On the surface, it seems to be nothing more than a successful company following the “American dream” that rose to the top. But a Department of Justice proposal from October 8 shows how this company can be used for corrupt purposes by the United States government.

The proposal, which would radically change Google’s company, came in response to allegations that Google worked illegally to turn itself into an online advertising and search engine monopoly. The case was brought by the Trump administration in 2020 and claims that Google did this through multiple revenue-sharing agreements with companies like Apple, Mozilla and Samsung that made it the default search engine on multiple platforms and gave it control of search result ads and data that helped improve its engine.

This doesn’t necessarily prove that Google has done anything illegal—the appeals process is ongoing—but it does show the power the U.S. government has over any company it deems a monopoly. Should Google act against the government’s wishes, a corrupt White House can use America’s far-reaching monopoly laws to make it pay.

Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson said one of the main reasons Big Tech companies are so willing to conform to the “deep state” is to protect their monopolies. The government poses a much greater threat than any of Google’s competitors.

It seems some government officials are using Google’s power for political benefit. As whistleblower Zachary Vorhies put it, Google is using its influence to “overthrow the U.S.”

Past Examples

Anyone who manipulates Google’s widely used search engine has the power to give any political party or candidate an electoral advantage. In “How Google Could Rig the 2016 Election,” Robert Epstein wrote:

Google Inc. has amassed far more power to control elections—indeed, to control a wide variety of opinions and beliefs—than any company in history has ever had. Google’s search algorithm can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more—up to 80 percent in some demographic groups—with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated ….

His article cites experiments that show one search session could increase any candidate’s favor from 37 percent to 63 percent.

A 2017 survey by Stanford University confirmed that tech entrepreneurs are liberal. Those at Google have used their influence to push their ideological equals. Two studies show how it did this in 2016.

  • One, presented at the 97th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, found that Google produced “more than double” the pro-Clinton search results Yahoo did.
  • The other, produced by Leo Goldstein, found that Google search results suppressed conservative sites like Drudge Report, PJ Media and American Thinker.

At a Senate Judiciary Hearing on July 17, 2019, Epstein said Google influenced millions of votes in 2016 via manipulative search-engine techniques. He told Breitbart News, “Google algorithms are having a dramatic impact on the thinking, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, purchases and voting preferences of 2½ billion people, right now.”

It did the same in 2020. Undercover investigators caught Jen Gennai, Google’s head of responsible innovation, saying the company was specifically engineering its algorithms to hurt Trump’s reelection chances. She boasted that only Google could prevent “the next Trump situation.” Those who draw attention to the piles of evidence that at least indicate the 2020 presidential election was stolen often find themselves banned on Google’s platforms. This has not been stopped and is still a major trend in this year’s election cycle.

Following the first assassination attempt of President Trump in July, Elon Musk accused Google of placing a “search ban” on him. Screenshots from Google’s search bar went viral. When users searched terms connected to Donald Trump, its autocomplete feature did not suggest the president. For example, the top suggestions for searches of “assassination attempt of Tr” didn’t include “Trump.” When some users searched “President Donald,” the top results were “Donald Duck” and “Donald Reagan.” Some users posted pictures of searching for news on Trump and getting a “News about Harris” header at the top of the page.

Google said this was merely a result of its policy to block search results for “hypothetical political violence against current figures,” but the root of Musk’s suspicions were more objectively confirmed by a Media Research Center study.

A month later, Axios found that Harris’s campaign was editing news headlines and descriptions of Google search ads to make it look like major news sources wrote things that her campaign actually wrote. Spokespeople from agencies including cnn, npr and usa Today said they were unaware their brand was being used this way. Soon after, YouTube (owned by Google) terminated multiple right-wing channels based on federal accusations that were clearly not nearly as major as some claimed.

Who’s Behind This?

It seems clear the Biden-Harris administration is using its power over Google to support its agenda. But there’s more to this story.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama is controlling both the Biden administration and the radical left as a whole. Any influence the Biden administration has is likely directed by Obama himself.

Concerning Google, the possible connections are clear. According to the Campaign on Accountability, Google representatives visited the White House more than once per week for meetings with Obama’s administration during his two terms. The most frequent Google visitor to the White House visited 128 times from Obama’s inauguration through October 2015—far more than top representatives of other companies. While Obama was in office, nearly 250 employees moved from his administration to Google or vice versa.

In fact, Obama’s administration declined in 2013 to sue Google for the same charges it’s facing today. Google did what Obama said, and he allowed its execs to make bank. It’s a surety that the same corruption exposed in the Twitter Files is going on at Google. This just hasn’t been fully exposed because it would take multiple Elon Musks to buy it.

Censorship Prophesied

The Trumpet was able to call out Obama’s political puppeteering long before other outlets caught on because his influence is prophesied in the Bible. Daniel 8:11-12 state: “Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.”

Antiochus iv Epiphanes fulfilled this prophecy when he desecrated Jerusalem’s temple in the second century b.c. But God’s prophecies are often dual, foretelling both an ancient and an end-time fulfillment. Daniel’s book is mainly for the end-time (Daniel 12:4, 9)—the time we are in now. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has proved that one of the end-time fulfillments of this Antiochus prophecy is Barack Obama.

The “host” of Daniel 8:12 can refer to “a mass of persons,” according to Strong’s Concordance—these are those who help Obama “cast down the truth to the ground.” Through Google’s censorship and favoring of Obama’s puppets, it is casting the truth to the ground!

The Future

Obama’s power is decreasing, but does that mean Internet censorship is near its end? The Bible shows us that even after Obama is off the scene, the spirit of Antiochus—the spirit behind Google’s corruption—will continue.

The Antiochus prophecy is not fulfilled in Obama alone. Ultimately, Daniel 8:11-12 point to another Antiochus type who will control Europe after Obama loses power. The same prophecies that apply to Obama’s rule—casting truth to the ground—also apply to this man’s tyranny. We don’t know if this will be done through Google as well, but it could. Europe is working to take control of the Internet, focusing much of its attempts on Google.

Regardless of whether Google plays a part in this coming dictatorship, Obama’s use of Google to cast truth to the ground is yet another Bible prophecy coming to pass. This fulfillment should prod us to heed all else the Bible says. Only by doing this can we escape the dreadful times the Bible warns that the spirit of Antiochus will lead to.

To learn more about the United States in prophecy and how to escape its downward trajectory, read Mr. Flurry’s free book America Under Attack.