Israel Obliterates Syrian Military Infrastructure

Israel has bombed hundreds of Syrian military sites in the last 48 hours, following the collapse of Bashar Assad’s government, in an effort to neutralize military assets that could threaten Israel.

Rapid and aggressive: Israel has aggressively targeted Syria’s most strategic weapon stockpiles, including those containing warplanes, helicopters, naval vessels, armored vehicles, long-range missiles and, most importantly, chemical weapons.

Israel has asserted its troops will remain stationed in the buffer zone between the two countries but that the air strikes would carry on as a temporary measure to solidify Israel’s long-term security.

What next? Syria has been gutted. A decades-old dictatorial dynasty has been toppled and its military capabilities neutered practically overnight. Syria is no longer under Iran’s thumb: This strategic country has been ripped from the mullah’s hands.

Now every major power wishes to engrave its own interests on Syria. But who will succeed?

The Trumpet has long forecast the ultimate outcome of the crisis in Syria based on prophecies in Psalm 83 and Daniel 11-12. These show Iran losing its influence over Syria and Germany taking over.

Learn more: Read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s 2012 article “How the Syrian Crisis Will End.”