The German Secret Behind Syria’s Chemical Weapons
Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria reportedly used chemical weapons against its own citizens more than 300 times, killing thousands. After the regime fell, Germany quickly entered Syria and offered to ensure that chemical weapons don’t fall into the “wrong hands.” Ironically, Germany is part of the reason why Syria’s chemical weapon stockpiles exist in the first place.
On Dec. 16, 2024, the German government presented an eight-point plan to create stability in Syria. Point six, “Securing and Destroying Chemical Weapons,” states:
The chemical weapons remaining from the Assad regime pose a considerable danger. It is urgent for them to be securely destroyed in order to protect the Syrian people and the region. Germany supports the efforts of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and stands ready to provide technical and logistic assistance in order to eliminate the remaining stockpiles.
Sounds great, but can we trust Germany?
Germany was the first to use chemical weapons on a large scale on a battlefield in World War i. In World War ii, the Nazi regime used poisonous gas on millions of Jews. By the end of the war, Germany had produced components for chemical weapons that could have killed millions more on the battlefield.
This deadly history has continued in the decades since.
In 2013, the German government confirmed that successive German governments had approved deliveries of chemicals to Syria that could be used to make sarin gas. They claimed, “The permits [for delivery of the chemicals] were granted after a thorough examination of all potential risks, including the dangers of misuse and redirection with a view to possible use in connection with chemical weapons.”
That same year, Assad used sarin gas on the battlefield.
“I cannot believe this at all. Germany delivered a total of more than 111 tons of chemicals to Syria that can be used to produce sarin—and this in a country that was known to have a chemical weapons program,” Jan van Aken, a former United Nations weapons inspector, told public broadcaster ard at the time.
Germany’s Spiegel reported in 2013:
Syria’s dictator Assad may have used chemicals from Germany to produce the poison gas sarin. As early as 1988, Saddam Hussein killed thousands of Kurds with the help of German companies. But little has changed in terms of export practice since then.
Germany signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (cwc) in 1994. Its foreign ministry government website states: “Chemical weapons are among the most abhorrent weapons developed by humankind. Germany is therefore working for a world free of chemical weapons, as well as for universal implementation of the cwc.” In 2023, Germany celebrated: “The United States, as the last country possessing such weapons, has just declared that it has fully destroyed its remaining stockpiles.”
But while Germany advocated the destruction of old stockpiles, it placed new ones in the hands of dictators and terrorists.
Forgotten History: From Iraq to Syria
Before Syria’s chemical weapons program was a hot topic, the world feared Iraq’s chemical weapons of mass destruction (wmd). Again, Germany’s fingerprints were everywhere.
Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against civilians on March 16, 1988, killing at least 5,000 people. On the 25th anniversary of the attack, the German Bundestag adopted a statement by all parliamentary groups that expressed “its deep regret that the crimes in Halabja were committed with poison gas, the production of which was made possible by illegal supplies from German companies.”
This admission should have alarmed the world. And this history is even more relevant today.
Mark Aarons and John Loftus write in The Unholy Trinity:
Among the dubious achievements of Nazi science was the invention of Sarin, Tabun and Soman. These nerve gases … were so effective that the same formulae are still in use today …. During the 1970s, U.S. codebreakers found dramatic evidence that West German companies were selling the Sarin secret to several Arab nations ….
They allude to the probable involvement of the West German intelligence service as “a merchant of death for [nations] such as Libya and Iraq.”
In 1992, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote: “[I]t is a well-known fact that the former West Germany aided iraq in its development of chemical warfare weapons! These deadly arsenals are a constant threat to the peace of the Middle East and the world.”
In 2003, the Guardian reported Germany was the “main supplier,” until the U.S. administration sanctioned German companies in 1984. After that, Iraq developed its own facilities, again with German help.
Somehow we have forgotten this history. Some of the most concerning details have been covered up.
In his 2007 article “Iraqi WMD: A Deadly Cover-up?” Mr. Flurry wrote:
Conventional wisdom says there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The intelligence community in several countries has been severely criticized for getting it wrong, and the Bush administration especially has been accused of purposefully misleading the American people in order to justify the Iraq War. Few issues have caused more division in this country.
But is the real debate being missed?
Amid all the controversy over this subject, are the real questions being asked and answered?
Evidence shows there may be a deadly cover-up on this subject.
The whole public debate is built on the assumption that no evidence of Iraqi nuclear, biological or chemical weapons was ever found—removing the justification for the invasion of Iraq.
Citing Dave Gaubatz, counterterrorism specialist and Arabic linguist, Mr. Flurry noted evidence that these weapons were transported to Syria. But most ignored this evidence until large stockpiles in Syria were confirmed in 2012.
Victor Davis Hanson wrote at the time:
Amid all the stories about the ongoing violence in Syria, the most disturbing is the possibility that Syrian President Bashar Assad could either deploy the arsenal of chemical and biological weapons that his government claims it has, or provide it to terrorists.
There are suggestions that at least some of Assad’s supposed stockpile may have come from Saddam Hussein’s frantic, 11th-hour efforts in 2002 to hide his own weapons of mass destruction arsenals in nearby Syria. Various retired Iraqi military officers have alleged as much.
Although the story was met with general neglect or scorn from the U.S. media, the present director of national intelligence, James Clapper, long ago asserted his belief in such a weapons transfer.
In “The Deadliest Mystery in the Middle East,” Mr. Flurry wrote in 2012:
What happened to Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction? Where did they go?
The other question is, where did all of Syria’s wmd come from?
There is powerful evidence that those weapons stockpiles did exist—and they do exist. They were transferred from Iraq to Syria!
If you are unfamiliar with this history, read Mr. Flurry’s two articles about this shameful cover-up. No one is concerned about this history today, but the evidence shows Germany helped create chemical weapons in both Iraq and Syria. Bible prophecy reveals these weapons will be used.
A Deadly Mystery Getting Deadlier
Because our world has forgotten this history and failed to investigate the truth, we are in an increasingly dangerous situation. Notice what Mr. Flurry wrote in 2012:
We have a very good idea where the wmd in Syria—and Jordan—came from. And we have an even better understanding of where this horrific situation in the Middle East is leading.
To understand the truth, you have to understand Bible prophecy. Psalm 83 reveals what is ahead. Based on that prophecy, the Trumpet has forecast for years that Syria is going to break away from its alliance with Iran. It appears that is what is happening right now.
Prophecies in Psalm 83 and Daniel 11 are unbreakable, and they reveal that this world is about to explode with violence—and those weapons of mass destruction will actually get detonated! Those prophecies show that the spark that ignites the next world war will come from the Middle East.
Syria has now broken its alliance with Iran and is allying with Germany—just as Psalm 83 prophesies (read “Germany Is Winning the Race for Syria”). Other prophecies are also about to be fulfilled. Mr. Flurry continued:
But this horrible news is going to give way to good news!
Look at Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 11:40—then follow it to the end. It concludes by talking about the return of the Messiah! The Messiah is coming! Fulfilled prophecy in the Middle East is proof of that. And just as sure as these prophecies have been fulfilled, the prophecies about the Messiah’s return will be fulfilled.
Matthew 24 tells us that if Christ didn’t come to stop this madness, there would be “no flesh saved alive.” But thank God that He is coming to stop the mass destruction and the mass murder and lead the Middle East and the world into a time of peace. We are on a countdown to that glorious event!
For the latest developments, read “Syria’s Fall: Another Key Prophecy Fulfilled.”