China Is Erasing Tibet’s Children
The Chinese Communist Party is erasing the identity of an estimated 800,000 Tibetan children in state-run boarding schools across the nation, the New York Times reported on Thursday.
- Approximately 78 percent of Tibetan students are living in these boarding schools, and they are often kept away from their parents for months on end, according to a 2021 report.
Forced assimilation: Tibet is a region in the west of China that has historically opposed the government in Beijing and fought to maintain its own distinct culture, language and traditions.
The Chinese Communist Party is shutting down local schools in Tibetan villages and requiring parents to send their children to Mandarin-speaking, state-sponsored boarding schools to comply with China’s strict education regulations. If they do not comply, their children will be taken from them.
In the state-run schools, “student life is heavy with political indoctrination,” wrote Chris Buckley for the New York Times. Children are taught to embrace the values of loyalty for and love of the Chinese state.
Approved by Xi: Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping said the state boarding schools are designed to “implant a shared consciousness of Chinese nationhood in the souls of children from an early age.”
But it is clear that one of the Communist Party’s main goals is to stamp out religion among young Tibetans, just as it aims to with other minority groups in the nation, such as the Uyghurs and Falun Gong. To atheistic Chinese Communist Party leaders, there is no higher power in the universe than the party. They want all people to submit to and worship it.
Worse to come: As the nations of America, Britain and the Jewish state of Israel dwindle in power on the world scene, nations such as China are growing in strength. The forced assimilation of children and erasure of dissenting communities are just a hint of worse to come.
To understand more, read “‘They Want the World to Bow Down to China.’”