Why You Need to Remember This Day
I want to write to you today about a man God used powerfully, both in my life and in this whole world: Herbert W. Armstrong. He will undoubtedly be familiar to many of you. Today, January 16, is the anniversary of his death.
Mr. Armstrong was a prolific author, educator, philanthropist and minister. He taught the true causes of the problems facing humanity and their ultimate solutions. He published the Plain Truth magazine, read by 1 out of every 583 people on Earth, and broadcast the World Tomorrow television program from 382 television stations and 36 radio stations. More than 40 million of the many books and booklets he authored were distributed. He founded the Worldwide Church of God and established three campuses of the well-regarded Ambassador College. The Church had 725 congregations in 57 countries around the globe and a powerful work. Weekly worldwide attendance exceeded 130,000 people, and another 210,000 people donated money regularly. Serving them all were more than 1,200 ministers worldwide.
Whether or not people realize it, Mr. Armstrong’s life was a pivotal event in world history! Many prophecies prove that his ministry had to be fulfilled before Jesus Christ’s return. He preached the gospel message to “all nations” (Matthew 24:14). He was the man through whom God restored “all things” (Matthew 17:11)—all the foundational truths of the Bible—to prepare the way for the Second Coming!
Then, after nearly six decades of wholehearted devotion to the work of God, on Jan. 16, 1986, at the age of 93, Herbert W. Armstrong died.
Mr. Armstrong’s death was a high-profile event. The Worldwide Church of God received condolences and expressions of respect for Mr. Armstrong from prominent leaders all over the world. Even United States President Ronald Reagan acknowledged the occasion, telling Mr. Armstrong’s supporters that they could “take pride in his legacy.”
The spiritual significance of Mr. Armstrong’s ministry was clear even during the waning years of his life. However, the deep significance of his death—and even the date of his death—was not fully apparent until some time had passed.
Again and again, God has called our attention back to the pivotal date of January 16. He has performed many miracles for His people on this date. Many tragic curses on the modern nations of Israel have also happened on this date. Those curses are only a foretaste of far worse to come if people don’t take heed and look to the great God who is sending them.
Everyone on Earth needs to pay attention to this and understand this important truth. Yet January 16 contains a unique warning to those who once supported Mr. Armstrong—many of whom have since fallen away from the truth he preached.
Throughout his ministry, Mr. Armstrong faced opposition and persecution, at times quite intense. Remarkably, some of the worst of it came from within the organization he founded. But empowered by God, with strong, righteous leadership, he held those forces back and kept the Church and the Work of God on track.
When he died, however, that satanically inspired opposition was no longer restrained. Slowly at first, but with increasing momentum, it began to wreak chaos within the Church of God, changing doctrines and casting truth to the ground.
Within a few short years, the Worldwide Church of God had renounced the very teachings that distinguished it as God’s Church. Today it is utterly unrecognizable as the organization Mr. Armstrong founded. It has been renamed; it no longer keeps the Sabbath or the law of God; it retains none of the biblical truths he restored.
Sadly, thousands of people whom God called into that truth have since rejected it. God takes that seriously. Many do not recognize their actions as rebellion, but God disagrees.
God’s truth is the only way to peace and happiness. If someone has rejected that and does not turn around, then he will miss out on a joyful eternal future God wants to give him.
God does not want to lose these people. One way He reaches out to them and warns them is through January 16. God emphasizes this date to try to get their attention!
My free booklet January 16: God’s Miracle Day reviews the momentous events, both in God’s Church and in the world, that have happened on this day. This date points you to a man around whom so much revolves in this end time—a man who preached the true gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations as a witness, who warned Israel for decades, who prepared the way as a messenger before the Second Coming—a man whose very work was a sign of the approach of that earthshaking event.
But far more important than pointing you to a man who died on this date, studying January 16 points you to the great, living, Almighty God of Elijah!
God’s miracle day leads you to the omnipotent God who rules in the kingdom of men and shapes world events to fulfill His prophecies (Daniel 4:17). It directs you to the Father who is correcting the nations out of His love for them, to turn them from their sins and lead them back to Himself.
And it helps you come to know the great God of miracles, who is about to send His Son to put down Satan, to take His place on the throne of David, and to establish His perfect Kingdom forever!
You can read my booklet online, or we’ll gladly send you a free print copy for you to study. Every person on Earth needs to learn why this day is God’s “miracle day.”