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German Ambassador Warns of Trump’s ‘Desire for Vengeance’

German ambassador to the United States Andreas Michaelis accused President Donald Trump of being driven by a “desire for vengeance,” according to a secret embassy dispatch, seen by the German Press Agency, to Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. The diplomatic write-up, dated January 14, warns that Trump will “largely sap” the U.S. of its democratic principles.

Fundamental democratic principles, along with checks and balances, will be largely undermined, the legislature, law enforcement and media will be robbed of their independence and misused as a political arm, and Big Tech will gain co-governing authority. [Trump’s policy] of maximum disruption, the breaking up of the established political order and bureaucratic structures, as well as his plans for revenge ultimately mean a redefinition of the constitutional order.
—Andreas Michaelis

Breaking norms: To underline his warning, Michaelis broke with basic diplomatic norms and used unusually harsh language. His words, however, reflect the general consensus among Germany’s elite.

In the U.S.A., a reelected president is preparing to make the concept of “vengeance” socially acceptable again.
—Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (January 19)

Der Spiegel ran a headline on Sunday: “Imperialism, Authoritarianism, Egoism: Starting Tomorrow We Live in Trump World.”

German elite against Trump:

Many elite Germans feel their nation has now gotten all it can from the U.S. and are ready to move on. Some powerful Germans are thinking more and more about the Holy Roman Empire, and they want modern Germany to assume more power of its own in the spirit of that empire. They want to establish Europe as a mighty, German-led superpower.
—Gerald Flurry, Trumpet editor in chief, “Germany and Russia’s Secret War Against America

To learn more, read “After Trump’s Victory, Watch Germany.”

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