Russia’s New ICBM Concerns Europe


Russia’s New ICBM Concerns Europe

A Russian official says his nation’s new missiles can overcome a planned defense shield in Eastern Europe.

Russia tested new missiles this week that one official said can overcome any defense system. The announcement, which appeared to be directly aimed at swatting down plans to install missile defense within Eastern Europe, ramps up tensions between Russia and Europe.

In a visit Tuesday with Portugal’s prime minister, Russian President Vladimir Putin rebuked the planned introduction of missile defense technology into nato nations Poland and the Czech Republic. He said a missile shield would “turn Europe into a tinderbox,” and “create new unnecessary risks for the entire system of international and European relations.”

The same day, Russian scientists successfully tested missiles that represented a significant upgrade of their nation’s aging Soviet-era systems. They included a new mobile cruise missile and a new icbm, which, launched from northwestern Russia, nailed its target 3,400 miles away in the far east of the country.

Russia’s first deputy prime minister, Sergei Ivanov, was pointed in his statement of the missiles’ capabilities: “As of today, Russia has new tactical and strategic complexes that are capable of overcoming any existing or future missile defense systems.” The hawkish Ivanov is seen as a favorite to replace Putin next year.

The new missiles “appeared to be part of Russia’s promised response” to the plans for missile defense in Eastern Europe, Associated Press reported Russian arms control expert Alexander Pikayev as saying. He said the test was Russia’s latest move to “strengthen the strategic nuclear triad—land-based, sea-based and air-based delivery systems for nuclear weapons ….”

Russia is one of several nations contributing to a modern global arms race. The current tussle over placing a missile shield in Eastern Europe is just one of a host of issues causing friction between Russia and Europe. Russia’s announcement indicates how determined Moscow is to keep pressing forward in its ambitious global agenda. Readers should watch for Europe to respond in force.

For a forecast of the ultimate outcome of provocations such as Russia’s latest missile tests, read “Arming for Armageddon.”