The War Against Family
Earlier this week, we learned about a sex education pamphlet the UK’s National Health Service plans to distribute to schoolchildren in Britain. According to the Daily Mail, the publication complains that when it comes to sex, sociologists pay too much attention to “safe sex” and “loving relationships” and not enough to the subject of sensual pleasure. Teenagers, says the pamphlet’s author, have as much right to a good sex life as do adults.
As it happens, the appalling brochure surfaced just one week after British sociologists scrapped another brilliant program after their “safe sex” curriculum resulted in doubling the teen pregnancy rate among those who participated in the course.
Britain, incidentally, has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe—second highest in the developed world, trailing only the United States. (Of the 40,000 British girls who will be impregnated this year, half will opt for abortion.)
Sociologists aren’t the only ones working overtime to undermine traditional family values in Britain—political leaders are too. Earlier this month, British Conservative Party leader David Cameron issued an apology on behalf of his party for legislation passed in 1988 banning the promotion of homosexuality in schools. Known as “Section 28,” the law was introduced by then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and was repealed by Tony Blair in 2003. It banned local councils from using taxpayer money to fund anything that showed homosexual relationships as normal, and made promoting “the teaching … of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship” illegal in schools.
Conservative mp Dame Jill Knight, one of the main supporters of Section 28 back in the ’80s, spoke in 1999 about why the law had been introduced:
Parents certainly came to me and told me what was going on. They gave me some of the books with which little children as young as 5 and 6 were being taught. There was The Playbook for Kids About Sex in which brightly colored pictures of little stick men showed all about homosexuality and how it was done.
Britain’s leading “conservative” politician has now apologized for having ever banned such perverse “textbooks.”
Not to be outdone, the Labor Party is also working diligently to woo homosexual voters. Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently hosted leading homosexual advocates to his house on Downing Street. “I’m very proud of all that this government has achieved on lgbt [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] rights these last 12 years—often in the face of fierce opposition,” Mr. Brown said.
On this side of the Atlantic, President Obama also played host to a large gathering of homosexuals at the White House on June 29. Earlier in the month, Mr. Obama proclaimed June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month,” to commemorate the 40-year anniversary of the lgbt rights movement in America. This struggle, Obama told more than 250 homosexuals at the White House reception, is “incredibly difficult.” He continued (emphasis mine throughout),
There are unjust laws to overturn and unfair practices to stop. And though we’ve made progress, there are still fellow citizens, perhaps neighbors or even family members and loved ones, who still hold fast to worn arguments and old attitudes; who fail to see your families like their families; and who would deny you the rights that most Americans take for granted.
As far as the president thinks we still have to go, what would those who warned about family breakdown generations ago think about where we are today? According to the New York Times, the first time homosexual leaders were ever invited to the White House, in 1977, President Carter avoided the uncomfortable exchange altogether by sending a mid-level aide to the meeting.
What a difference 30 years makes. Today, Britain’s National Health Service, of all institutions, encourages teenagers to enjoy promiscuous sex. The leading “conservative” in Britain is apologizing for a 1988 law that prevented homosexual propaganda from being poured into the super-absorbent minds of 5-year-olds. The White House is hosting celebrations for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders. And we have a sitting U.S. president who sees it as his duty to loosen the grip some Americans still have on “old attitudes” about homosexuality.
Meanwhile, the most basic building block of a strong and stable civilization—the traditional family structure—continues to disintegrate.
Herbert W. Armstrong saw this attack on the institution of family decades ago—and accurately predicted where it would lead. The threat, he wrote in 1976, was twofold. First, there is the prophesied breakdown of traditional marriage and family relationships. Added to that, he continued, “there is a widespread and aggressive conspiracy to destroy the institution of marriage” (Plain Truth, July 1976).
As alarmist as that might have seemed in 1976, who can deny the audacious attack that is currently being waged against family from every direction? “This is a war which is being vigorously and fanatically waged,” Mr. Armstrong continued. “Every subtle method is being employed to capture the minds of those of pre-marriage age.”
It all makes for more compelling evidence that we are indeed living in the very last days! Everything about our modern-day dysfunctional society is exactly as the Prophet Isaiah said it would be: completely upside-down. Civilization, as Mr. Armstrong wrote in The Missing Dimension in Sex, is on the way down and out—unless the mighty hand of God intervenes to save us from utter destruction.
We can be thankful to God that His supernatural intervention in the affairs of mankind, as prophesied in hundreds of biblical passages, is now just ahead of us. In the not-too-distant future, the world-ruling Family of God will vigorously teach all of mankind the just and holy laws He intended, from the beginning, to govern the sacred institutions of marriage and family—institutions, by the way, that God designed for no other created beings, except man!