Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Growing cooperation between Moscow and Berlin is undermining the influence and credibility of arguably the most important security organization in modern history.

The armies of economic Armageddon continue their march while Germany and Russia strengthen ties. Plus, America welcomes North Korea back from the axis of evil.

Why the Trumpet values history.

Russia’s dalliance in Latin America is part of the Kremlin’s broad campaign to undermine and oppose the United States.

Who’s the greater default risk—McDonald’s or the federal government? And did you notice where Ahmadinejad delivered his latest “death to Israel” rant?

What the pope’s visit to France reveals about the future of Europe

Tens of thousands of people refused to flee a deadly hurricane. What were they thinking?

History shows Nazism went underground after World War II. How long will it be until it reemerges to torment the world again?

American foreign policy is concentrated on the Middle East, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, a deadly threat lurks much closer to home.

The further mankind has gotten from the land, the further he has gotten from God.

Remembering the accurate forecasting of Herbert Armstrong

Germany’s leadership is about to change—drastically!

Russia invaded. Georgia capitulated. America waffled. Don’t think America’s other allies haven’t taken notice.

Vladimir Putin’s swift, calculated invasion of Georgia intensifies Europe’s need to forge itself into a potent united states of Europe.

Mankind’s existence is remarkably similar to one astronaut’s observation of the moon.

This scenario exhibits all the signs of a spectacular double cross.

The latest weapon of mind destruction is gadgetry.

The further man has gotten from the land, the further he has gotten from his Creator.

The legacy of America and the British Commonwealth began with a magnificent act of willpower—and it’s ending with a ruinous absence of willpower.

Few people comprehend the centrality of the weather to human existence. Even fewer see a divine presence in our out-of-control skies.

A proverb about making excuses and becoming a more effective Christian.

As confidence in the U.S. economy plummets, the warnings of a sage news forecaster leap into significance.

Making decisions based on “evolving standards of decency” is the height of human arrogance. It is also one of mankind’s oldest flaws.

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