Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Recapture etiquette … and family time

Will war open on Israel’s northern front? Plus, what the pope thinks of Obama, and remembering Samuel Huntington.

America and much of the rest of the world is in financial meltdown, and the prescriptions to stop it are failing. Here’s a solution guaranteed to work.

Why there is reason for hope

Everybody thinks. But have you ever thought about thinking? Deeper thinking leads to deeper living.

Reflections on this holiday season

Revelations about three nations have emerged from events off the Horn of Africa.

Pirates outfox the U.S. Navy and Germany teaches the world a lesson in economics. Plus, the demise of dating.

Non-believers are getting aggressive. Here’s why.

The global financial crisis has irreversibly changed America’s standing in the world.

India reevaluates its alliance with the West and the new, new deal. Plus, guess who the real winner is in the global financial crisis?

America’s addiction to big government cannot last. But there is an alternative.

Where will the Obamas go to church and what does it mean if you watch too much television? Plus: “Arrrrrrrrr!”

What not to expect with the change in the United States’ presidential administration

People are optimistic—but there are troubling signs.

EU foreign ministers outline agenda for safer world, stronger Europe

Why there is reason for hope

Experts are feverishly crunching numbers and punching out calculations to see if the economy can last. They should be analyzing something else.

Musharraf’s decline and fall leaves a dangerous void in this nuclear-armed Muslim country and brings relations with the U.S. to a crisis point.

Change is coming, yes—but not the kind the candidates think.

How this election will hurt the U.S.’s global standing

Livni throws in the towel and American capitalism has failed; plus, which political campaign is really playing the race card?

America and much of the rest of the world is in financial meltdown, and the prescriptions to stop it are failing. Here’s a solution guaranteed to work.

After a seven-year war, the country is returning to Taliban rule.

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