Robert Morley

Birds came from dinosaurs, evolutionists say. Really? If so, they certainly faced some long odds.

How God made Great Britain great

Could Congress’s attempt to punish China ignite a global trade war?

Hindenburg Omens, inverted yield curves, cardboard boxes and a better economic indicator.

A leaked military report highlights a looming geopolitical firestorm.

British Petroleum’s fortunes metaphorically mirror those of Great Britain, which skyrocketed from insignificance to spectacular greatness and has plummeted back again.

Truth is trampled in the street and judgment is turned around backward.

Just one bad harvest away from the unthinkable

Can anyone stop Iran?

And why unions are just one tiny part of the problem

You know the ship is sinking when the plundering begins.

Can a second feminist revolution save America?

As it turns out, Uncle Jed really was a caveman. One hundred and fifty years of evolutionary theory unravels.

America’s president pledged “everything we’ve got” to solve the Gulf oil crisis. It’s the ninth emergency he’s addressed that way since coming to office! Why are the nation’s problems piling up so quickly?

Ancient Israel and the Federal Housing Authority connection

Can America afford socialism when the economy is deteriorating and politicians have spent the nation to the verge of bankruptcy?

History moves on. But where is it leading?

A historian puts a timetable on America’s future.

Truth is trampled in the street and judgment is turned around backward.

As one empire declines, another one is born.

America’s elite universities have lost their purpose and their sense.

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