Richard Palmer

Whispers of war; racial tension in Britain; plus, forget Cash for Clunkers, get a free AK-47.

Is the mainstream Palestinian party really moderate?

For decades, Herbert W. Armstrong said it would happen. Today, Russia and China are strong allies.

Is Iran about to take over?

Netanyahu’s speech—and the Arab leaders’ reactions—gets to the heart of the issue.

How the British Parliament’s latest scandal has everything to do with the nation’s future.

The indoctrination of Californian children and what Iran is learning from North Korea. Plus, the problem with texting.

Israel gets the cold shoulder from the U.S., turns to Europe. Plus: The government will save money by providing health care to millions.

A Catholic bishop spreads a dangerous lie.

Iran’s influence in Egypt runs deep.

Should we be bovvered about the decline of language?

The Catholic Church has conquered Italy, and is planning to expand its power.

As the U.S. leaves, Iran steps in.

China is investing in strategic resources instead.

The hidden danger in demonizing the British Empire

The Vatican wants to establish Sunday observance in EU law. If our peoples really understood history, this would terrify them.

Do we need to be bovvered about the decline of language, or is it just, like, wha’ever?

Dangerous propaganda hits movie screens around the world.

How the Greek riots were planned in advance

Built on unsafe foundations, our economies are being torn apart from both ends.

How radical Islam threatens to take East Jerusalem very soon

Its nuclear project makes headlines, but Iran has another deadly weapon ready to go right now.

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