Richard Palmer

Plus, if Israel liberates terrorists, why shouldn’t Jordan?

Tehran’s nuclear project makes headlines, but Iran has another deadly weapon ready to go right now.

Another bulldozer attack and a whirlwind visit by Barack Obama; plus, the Knesset considers lifting constraints on Sabbath-keeping.

The U.S. economy is transforming from a world power to world pariah. Who will take its place as the global economic leader?

There’s a common perception in the U.S. that manufacturing isn’t all that important. It’s wrong.

Egypt’s culture minister wants to burn Jewish books.

The Roman Catholic Church shows just how much power it really has.

Famine and revolution go hand in hand.

Recent elections in two African countries reveal a lot about man’s systems of government.

Despite its sitting out the latest elections, the Muslim Brotherhood is still the rising power in Egypt.

What is at stake at the coming NATO summit? Why is it “an issue of survival” for Moscow? Why does Russia want to keep Ukraine and Georgia out of the alliance?

The international reaction to China’s actions in Tibet demonstrates its “soft power.”

As Zimbabwe takes another step toward oblivion, here’s a look at how a once-proud nation fell so far.

Russia works to keep its energy weapon effective.

The Roman Catholic Church shows just how much power it really has.

Concerns over falling sales highlight a fundamental weakness in the economy.

Two future superpowers battle over who will control one of the world’s most strategically important territories.

The UK’s days are numbered; only a minority of Britons think it will survive more than 25 years.

Laced with flattery and lavish praise, the French premier’s speech received a standing ovation from Congress. But there was far more to his speech than pious platitudes.

With the U.S. real-estate and financial markets in turmoil, stock market optimism seems to be hitting new highs. Dot-coms are again leading the way up, but should investors be plowing money into stocks when the economy seems to be slowing?

One of Britain’s big banks wobbles at the brink of insolvency. Incompetence? Fraud? Greed? Maybe not at Northern Rock, but definitely in America where the current credit crisis originated.