Pope Francis Calls for Open U.S. Borders
Mary “is in the midst of the caravans that come in search of freedom traveling northward,” Pope Francis said on December 12, referencing the thousands of migrants who seek to enter the United States.
- Catholics believe that on Dec. 12, 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to an indigenous Mexican man named Juan Diego. On the occasion of the Catholic feast dedicated to “Our Lady of Guadalupe” in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis said Mary went to the Americas to offer God’s consolation at a time of historical “upheaval.”
Omens of desolation: These troublesome times appear very similar to our day, the pope said, recalling the “rumbling of war, growing injustice, famine, poverty and suffering” that make the present appear “bleak and disconcerting.” But Francis claimed to see “still greater omens of greater destruction and desolation” and called on people “to put aside selfishness, indifference and antagonism.”
Divisive comments: Many have found a better life in the U.S. and have been welcomed, but some Americans are greatly concerned about illegal immigration. But according to Pope Francis, this may be due to “selfishness, indifference and antagonism.” Is an open-border policy the solution to escalating troubles in Latin America? Adopting such a policy has contributed to America’s fall as a superpower.
The Bible’s view: It is true that our world is becoming increasingly troubled. We must understand these troubles in the context of Bible prophecy and also recognize that many of the solutions world leaders apply have only made matters worse. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has written a detailed article on this topic: “Why Is the Pope Meddling in American Politics?” It shows that the solutions that appear so loving are in fact contributing to world instability and danger.