Britain’s Politically Correct Passports

Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images

Britain’s Politically Correct Passports

British citizens will soon be able to identify “parent one” and “parent two” instead of their father and mother, and decline to identify themselves as male or female on their passports.

The changes are designed to cater to transsexuals and homosexuals. The Identity and Passport Service (ips) says that by allowing parents to choose between identifying themselves as father and mother or parents, they are reflecting the situation in Britain. “It is essential that any parent provides the necessary information on their status as parents or guardians when applying for a passport on behalf of their child,” it says. “This protects the interests of the child and ensures that (ips) are able to issue passports securely and safely to the right person.”

However, the Daily Mail reports that the changes have been made because of lobbying from the homosexual rights group Stonewall. This seems more likely—according to the National Office of Statistics, only 1.5 percent of Britons identify themselves as homosexual.

America has already made a similar change to its passport application form.

Director of the Family Education Trust Norman Wells said: “Fathers and mothers are not interchangeable but have quite distinct roles to play in the care and nurture of their children. To speak of ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2’ denigrates the place of both fathers and mothers. Much as the equality and diversity social engineers might wish it were otherwise, it still takes a father and a mother to produce a child.”

These passport changes are another success for the radical homosexual lobby.