Josué Michels

Cardinal Pietro Parolin: A Man to Watch

It seems that whenever the pope wants a deal with a dictator, he sends Parolin.

Germany is working today through diplomatic relations, weapons exports, financial donations and even troop deployments to create a bulwark against Iranian hegemony.

Despite today’s horrific headlines, there is good news!

What will their future hold?

‘At the heart of Europe,’ Macron stirs Germans to leave their past behind.

Anti-Semitism was not imported from the Arab world. It was Europe that exported this dangerous poison.

It would be a mistake to believe Germany’s plans are limited to the stated mandates of its military missions.

Conflicts are reshaping the geopolitical landscape. The oil-rich Gulf states are set to benefit—but not without hurdles.

A major Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes, and it will soon affect our whole world.

‘But ultimately, this is not about Ukraine winning against Russia.’

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