Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Anti-Semitism was fashionable in Europe during the 1930s and was the precursor to the ultimate expression of hatred toward Jews: 1940s-style anti-Semitism.

Keeping abreast of Russia and understanding the Kremlin psyche can be challenging. Here’s a simple key to distilling modern Russia.

This week a landmark report in Britain revealed a truth Herbert W. Armstrong preached for decades.

A deadly foreign army has invaded Britain. Will the UK awaken before it is too late?

The European Union’s recent warmth toward Russia reveals the answer.

The United States faces a number of serious crises. Here’s one many Americans haven’t yet considered.

Last fall, Russia brokered a deal with Germany that darkened the Kremlin’s shadow over Georgia. Last week, a similar deal was done over Ukraine.

A prophecy the Trumpet has long been warning about is ready to materialize. So what next?

For Europe, there might well be a silver lining to the war in Gaza and the Russian gas crisis.

Many history books gloss over the “Christian Crusades.” Here’s why that is dangerous.

Want to get to know God and prove He exists? Study history.

What Benedict XVI’s visit to France reveals about the future of Europe

As Britain’s 36-year anniversary as a member of the European Union approaches, one man’s warning leaps into greater significance.

Germany is stonewalling attempts to rescue Europe’s collapsing economies. What is Berlin’s motivation?

Pirates outfox the U.S. Navy and Germany teaches the world a lesson in economics. Plus, the demise of dating.

Britain has already been invaded by a dangerous enemy, and most Britons don’t even realize it—yet.

America’s efforts to stabilize Pakistan have failed. Just ask India.

As conditions worsen, Americans will find it easier to empathize with America’s early settlers.

Where will the Obamas go to church and what does it mean if you watch too much television? Plus: “Arrrrrrrrr!”

The European Union’s recent warmth toward Russia reveals exactly who dictates European foreign policy.

Converging crises could soon overwhelm the Jewish state and drive it into the arms of …

History shows that the style of diplomacy espoused by America’s next president will not work.

Tens of thousands of people refused to evacuate for Hurricane Ike. Don’t be so sure you wouldn’t have made the same mistake.

Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union is imminent. Here’s how this watershed event will impact Europe, Britain and America.

The global financial crisis exposes a wonderful truth about an amazing man.

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